
What is all the Buzz about

What is all the Buzz about?

The Bowen Buzz podcast is a place for information on Bowen Therapy and related topics for Bowen Therapists, clients, people interested in Bowen or soft tissue therapies in general.

Chris Reed, the host of the Bowen Buzz podcast is a passionate Bowen therapist, instructor and commentator from Geelong Australia. He operates a clinic in his home town Geelong Bowen & Remedial Therapies and teaches therapists nationally and internationally both initial training and post graduate workshops.

Consequently Geelong was where Tom Bowen developed this modality which is now spread to all corners of the globe and is growing at an amazing rate.

On the Bowen Buzz we talk about Bowen with practitioners, educators and other professionals to assist in the understanding of Bowen, to learn about some people in the Bowen world and also to assist practitioners to spread the word of Bowen Therapy and to assist them to help as many people as possible by growing their businesses.


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Below are Episodes 12 – 23.  For previous episodes CLICK HERE for the Bowen Buzz archive.


For more info from the Geelong Bowen team check to our Blog page HERE 

Episode 23: Badminton Finds Bowen

We know that someone with anxiety often has a racing mind. That they almost can’t relax, they can’t let go or slow down. Their nervous system is in a sympathetic dominant loop, and the body wasn’t really meant to be like that for a long period of time.

Your body’s sympathetic system is about fight or flight, it’s about trying to survive. We really should be existing primarily in a balanced condition of a parasympathetic and sympathetic state. This is where the body can heal itself, it can maintain, repair, digest food, and rest better.

Someone who is in this heightened state a lot of the time, that we call anxious or stressed, is certainly not in a healthy way of being.

Bowen is seen to be able to help reduce that stress level down. Even though this might be at a subconscious level, into more of a balanced state, so that the anxiety or anxious state can be lessened.

It is almost like Bowen Therapy offers the body another possibility, rather than being stuck in this loop. It offers the body another possibility. The body often will take that possibility when offered.

Episode 22: The Breakfast Coach – Andrea Hendrickson

In this episode we get to meet Andrea Henrickson who is the founder of The Breakfast Coach and is a Business Management Coach who specialises in working with SMEs to ensure that they are working toward the strategic achievement of their business vision, mission and dream. Andrea’s passion and steadfast focus is to ensure that business owners LOVE their business even during the challenging times. I ask Andrea about some of the ways Bowen therapists and other small business owners can get the word out there about their fledgling business. Andrea knows firsthand the cold hard truth of running a business and for many business owners or Bowen therapists their experience and expertise is not in ‘managing a business’, it is in their own area of expertise. Managing a business requires a unique set of skills which most people learn through failing as the try to grow their business. Andrea coaches, trains and mentors clients in business management capability so that they can operate at optimum performance while bringing a strategic focus, a solid structure and ensuring that the right people are aligned with the business vision, values and overall direction. Andrea’s unique experience and qualifications in Business Management, Neuro Linguistic Programming and running and growing her own business equips her well to identify with whip quick intentionality the issues that are in the way of business growth and success. The Breakfast Coach offers SMEs opportunities to truly transform their business management capability into strategic leadership and allows for the business to build sustainably with solid foundations that truly enhance their business and life. Andrea gives us some great tips to work with in getting the word out there, she also talks about “squeezing your time” and “juicing”.

facebook: TheBreakfastCoach

linkedin: AndreaHenrickson

I hope you enjoy this BowenBuzz!

Episode 21 Robyn Wood

Robyn Wood is a Bowen legend.

She has practised for many years and has taught Bowen Therapy on all 5 continents of the world. Robyn still travels the world spreading her passion for Bowen in her own personal style.

In this episode Robyn tells us of her history as a young girl with Tom Bowen who would visit the family farm to chat with her father and how they would sometimes see him at the Geelong abattoir looking at how some of the freshly killed animals were put together in an anatomical sense. Many practitioners around the world have taken one of Robyn’s specialised workshops learning how Bowen might be applied to specific situations or conditions. I am sure you will enjoy Robyn’s walk down memory lane and her prospective on the Bowen world.

Episode 20: Meet the famous Aggie Aik

In this episode we get to meet Aggie Aik.

The final in the series on Singapore Bowen.

Aggie is a pioneer of Bowen in Singapore where she works as a councillor and art therapist at a prestigious secondary collage which has about 4500 students. Aggie shares with us her experience of using Bowen Therapy in conjunction with her other counselling skills to assist the students with anxiety, stress, behavioural and other problems. I describe Aggie as a 5ft bundle of smiles; as you will hear she is a bubbly, happy person who has a calmness about her which just encourages you to trust her. It is easy to see how she would gain the confidence of her student clients. Although she tried to retire last year the school has asked her to remain for 2 days a week just to support staff. Other people who work with children in schools and the area of child protection are looking at using the model Aggie has developed to assist their students and clients. This is another wonderful story of how Bowen therapy continues to promote happier and healthier lives in the community. I am sure you will enjoy my chat with Aggie. 

Episode 19: Lifting the Lid on Vid

In Episode 19 we get to meet Sue-Ellen Cordon. Sue is a firm believer the power of video as a tool of communication in business. Her business called Video Vibes is all about teaching people how to do low cost, effective video for business. She helps people be who they are, being natural and showing their personality on video. Sue says “Video is a conversation………the smartphone and video can be a portal to a person’s heart” Video is becoming increasingly important in business marketing however it needs to be done well, Sue passes on some great tips on being your “coffee shop self”. according to Sue “life should not be edited” Sue has an insight to Bowen Therapy also and she goes on to speak of her experience of Bowen personally and through seeing it work on horses. I am sure you will enjoy Sue-Ellen’s story and you may like to connect with her to learn more about video and what it can do for your Bowen business

Episode 18: A Bowen Journey

In this episode we get to meet a Bowen therapist who travelled a very long way to learn Bowen Therapy. Maya is from Noumea, New Caledonia and works there full time as a logistics and project manager in the island’s largest nickle mine. Looking for a change and inspired by a family member she embarked on a long journey (well several of them) to find her Bowen therapy class in a tiny Irish settlement town of Koroit in the western district of country Victoria. Maya when booking for the course imagined she could get a train to the venue from Melbourne…..not quite that simple. Skip forward 18 months with many flights and travel later, Maya is part way through her Diploma studies and has established the only Bowen Therapy clinic currently operating in New Caledonia. in the clinic working along side her is a family member who trained some time ago and together they see about 40-50 clients a week. Maya is a delightful girl and I am sure you will enjoy her story.

Episode 17: The Class of 2017 International

In this episode 17 of the BowenBuzz we get to meet the class of the first ever International Certificate of Bowen Therapy. These ladies are the first to undertake the new International Certificate. This qualification is now provided by Bowen Training Australia to international students. Bowen has been taught overseas for many years, however the training provided by Bowen Training Australia as a complete package is the most comprehensive Bowen Therapy training anywhere in the world. Now international students get to receive the exact course as delivered in Australia by BTA. We get to meet these Singaporean students and learn of their motivation, inspiration and challenges as students of Bowen therapy. I suspect these are not so different from many students around the world or indeed in Australia. I always love to hear from students of their motivation for coming to learn such a therapy as Bowen. I hope you also enjoy their stories.

Episode 16 Ex Pat Called Tat

Tat (Elizabeth) Small is a delightful English/Irish/American lady. Tat is currently and has been living in Singapore for the past 26 years and is training to become a Bowen trainer. In this episode we get to chat with Tat about all things expat, raising children in Asia and her journey learning and building a Bowen practice on her way to becoming the first ‘local’ Bowen instructor in Singapore. It has been my pleasure to take Tat through her final training and I have no trouble predicting she is going to make a great instructor. Tat is an engaging lady and I am sure you will enjoy listening to her story about life and Bowen as much as I did.

Episode 15: The Circular Lives We Lead – Susan Marte

Susan Marte is many people; she is an expat American, an agronomist, an artist, a poet and a Bowen therapist. I had an engaging chat with Susan about life, work and Bowen therapy where Susan mentions that “life is not linear, it is circular”. We also get to hear about Susan’s artistic side and the set of Oracle cards she has developed. Part way through the conversation Susan mentions the cards and the only one she actually mentioned by name was the “Sandbar” card. Later I ask if I could shuffle the deck and pick a card she would read it. Out of the 45 cards I happen to pick the one card she had previously mentioned. When Susan read the story and message on the card it seemed to incredibly encapsulate the conversation we had just heard. What do you think?

Episode 14: A Damascus Moment – Margaret Spicer

In this episode we get to hear from Margaret Spicer who is considered one of the preeminent Bowen instructors in the world. Margaret tells the story of her journey from big pharma to natural medicine and Bowen therapy. After graduating as a pharmacist and working in the retail area with the public and then inside the industry in the area of marketing, Margaret is offered a lucrative role in New York she experiences a Damascus moment which changed her life. Many Bowen therapists around the world have participated in Margaret and Anne Schubert’s Mind Body Medicine. Margaret explains the genisis of its development and the principals of this work. You will come to hear that Margaret is a deep thinker and I am sure you will enjoy her explainations and thoughts on natural medicine. We are very fortunate to have people like Margaret in our Bowen community. www.bowentraining.com.au

Episode 13: It Is All In The Words

In this episode we get to hear from Margaret Spicer who is considered one of the preeminent Bowen instructors in the world. Margaret tells the story of her journey from big pharma to natural medicine and Bowen therapy. After graduating as a pharmacist and working in the retail area with the public and then inside the industry in the area of marketing, Margaret is offered a lucrative role in New York she experiences a Damascus moment which changed her life. Many Bowen therapists around the world have participated in Margaret and Anne Schubert’s Mind Body Medicine. Margaret explains the genisis of its development and the principals of this work. You will come to hear that Margaret is a deep thinker and I am sure you will enjoy her explainations and thoughts on natural medicine. We are very fortunate to have people like Margaret in our Bowen community. www.bowentraining.com.au

Episode 12: Values- Tom Bowen, What Do You Think?

Some thoughts about core values, personal and business. Is this an exercise you have done in the past. In this episode I explore values and wonder about the values that drove Tom Bowen in his work and in the development of this great therapy. It may be a one sided conversation however I would be interested in your comments on the subject. If you would like to work through some values find here the link to the Values list document